Developing a New Department within Your Law Firm

This comprehensive workshop is designed to guide you through the strategic planning and implementation of establishing a new department. Whether you're expanding your services or entering a new area of practice, this workshop provides the tools and insights needed to successfully launch and integrate a new department within your firm.

Practical Application

Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in interactive exercises, case studies, and group discussions. By the end of the day, you will develop a tailored financial strategy and action plan for your law firm, integrating the principles and practices learned.

Key Topics

  • Strategic Planning and Vision
  • Building the Business Case
  • Staffing and Resources
  • Process and Workflow Design
  • Marketing and Business Development
  • Change Management and Implementation


  • A clear strategic plan for developing a new department within your law firm
  • A comprehensive business plan with financial projections
  • Practical tools and strategies for staffing, resource allocation, and workflow design
  • An actionable marketing plan to build and promote the new department
  • Enhanced skills in change management and integration

Join us for "Developing a New Department within Your Law Firm" and take the first step towards expanding your services and enhancing your firm's capabilities.